VIDEO: Cultiv rosii in ghiveci

Salut, In ghiveciul care ar fi trebuit să prindă rădăcini de Leandru a crescut răsaduri de roșii 🙂 Au nimerit cîteva semințe pentru că am folosit pămant de grădină și compost făcut din frunze de vita de vie.

6 thoughts on “VIDEO: Cultiv rosii in ghiveci

  1. Your Tomato plants are wonderful Gicu 🙂 and its amazing that instead of Oleander you got Tomato plants instead such a surprise haha! and they are wonderful and so healthy and so good to see that you have a Oleander that took root too 🙂 thanks so much for sharing and sending you an abundance of love and happy growing from Ireland for a fantastic Friday XXXX <3

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